See Also
Generate AVAX addresses and keys from a mnemonic phrase in Python
While playing with AVAX programming in Python, I wanted to have some wallet functionality on the Linux command line. It’s easily done from Javascript, since Ava Labs provides an official library, but this specific application required Python and I really didn’t wanna mix the two languages (although it’s perfectly fine if you do). You could […]
avax-python – Python utils for AVAX cryptocurrency and Avalanche network exploration
avax-python is a Python library and set of utils for the exploration of the Avalanche AVAX cryptocurrency and its network. The avax-python project began as a thin wrapper around AvalancheGo node API, but it now supports several other functionalities such as wallet address and secret phrase generation, network traffic capture, customizable protocol handlers and a lot […]
The Art of War in cryptocurrency investing [Feb 2018 Opinion]
In late 2017 the markets celebrated Bitcoin adoption by Wall Street. Bitcoin was finally going to New York! Jamie Dimon and other large bank CEOs were dissing Bitcoin which, in banker speak, means they were buying. Notice how Bitcoin started to dip exactly when Dimon said he “regretted” calling Bitcoin a fraud and then started […]
Building the Haskell cardano-node on Linux
tl;dr; Jump straight to the build instructions The Details Looking forward to the Haskell mainnet, the next step in the Cardano project, I’ve begun exploring the cardano-node Haskell implementation. I find that exploring source code is much easier if you actually watch the program run for a while. So, the first thing a developer has […]