See Also
shafs – SHA256 a filesystem and store it on SQLite. Find duplicate files, organize your data
shafs is a tool to help you SHA256 an entire filesystem, file by file, storing its hash and file size in a SQLite database. Dependencies shafs requires sqlite3 On Ubuntu do: Please check your distribution for the appropriate packages. Build Installation To install locally, uncomment last line in and re-run it or run : Manual Build […]
ELI5: Blockchains explained in simple terms
A blockchain is a database formed by a sequence of entries called (you guessed it) blocks. Blockchains have a special characteristic by which any attempt to modify one of its entries would modify the entire chain. It is, therefore, an immutable data structure, which stores blocks in chronological order of insertion. This makes blockchain a […]
Bitcoin Blockchain SQL Schema for MySQL
This SQL schema was created for Crypto.BI Toolbox. The same, or similar, SQL schema can be used by anyone exploring Bitcoin with the help of a MySQL RDBMS. Although we didn’t test this SQL with other RDBMS’, it should be fully compatible with MariaDB and any other MySQL-derived system. How the data is inserted/retrieved to/from […]
Who is Craig Wright?
As part of our Who’s Who section, today we take a look at Dr. Craig S. Wright (CSW), a controversial cryptocurrency personality who, for several years, claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Craig Steven Wright was born in Australia in 1970 and holds a PhD in theology. He’s currently the CTO for nChain – the company […]