See Also
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash : Two coins with matches, playing in gasoline [Nov 2017]
“The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five.” – Carl Sagan Cryptocurrencies are in a strategic inflection point. The big investors behind Bitcoin Cash have decided to take on BTC after their, in hindsight strategic, 2X retreat. Will it Work? Carl […]
optional.h a pre-C++17 optional type in the Bitcoin source code
optional.h is a stub that’ll likely get removed from Bitcoin Core at a future date when C++ 17 gets formally adopted for the entire project. By reading the Bitcoin Core sources you can see that lots of sections could use C++ 17 idioms. Let’s keep in mind though that Bitcoin Core is high security software […]
Commented noui.cpp source code – Terminal interface to Bitcoin Core
We began our exploration of the Bitcoin Core source code from the Qt graphical user interface on down. We saw how the Qt signals and slots mechanism was used to handle signals from the underlying Bitcoin Core subsystems. Now we’ll take a look at the noui header and source to see how the user interface […]
ELI5: Blockchains explained in simple terms
A blockchain is a database formed by a sequence of entries called (you guessed it) blocks. Blockchains have a special characteristic by which any attempt to modify one of its entries would modify the entire chain. It is, therefore, an immutable data structure, which stores blocks in chronological order of insertion. This makes blockchain a […]